Tuesday, June 4, 2013

New Windsor Hotel, An Old Friend

I found the New Windsor Hotel shortly after I moved to Arizona in 1982. It's been the subject of quite a few of my paintings over the years.

The first in the mid 80's.

Shortly after that I became busy with other kinds of art work and didn't do much city painting until the 2000's. This was the next version.

Shortly after that, the building was painted a brighter pink color. However, I subdued the pinkishness in this little version here.

Finally, I recently painted this study. It's different from the others in that I worked from the west facing facade as opposed to the front. The late afternoon summer sun is as much the subject as is the building.

The New Windsor has been a good old friend. 


  1. These are beautiful. I see an evolution toward thicker paint but maybe the later canvases are smaller.

  2. Thanks Brad. Yes, they are smaller canvases but also yes, I do paint more thickly than I used to.
